Needle in the Haystack - Programming Joke

January 31, 2019 - Debugging is like finding a needle in the haystack. For more programmer jokes visit New geeky co...
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Cows - Programming Joke

January 30, 2019 - Greek cows say μ. For more programmer jokes visit New geeky comics every week! PS. We love our...
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Programming Championship - Programming Joke

January 28, 2019 - C++ hide and seek championship. For more programmer jokes visit New geeky comics every week! PS...
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Peter Pan - Computer Joke

January 26, 2019 - Why is Peter Pan always flying? Because he Neverlands. For more programmer jokes visit New geeky...
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Happy Holidays - Programming Joke

January 24, 2019 - Merry browserful Christmas and Happy browserful New Year 2017! For more programmer jokes visit N...
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ASCII a Question - Computer Joke

January 22, 2019 - ASCII a stupid question, get a stupid ANSI. For more programmer jokes visit New geeky comics eve...
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Π's Self Portrait - Math Joke

January 22, 2019 - 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510... For more programmer jokes visit New geek...
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Question - Programming Joke

January 20, 2019 - ASCII a silly question, get a silly ANSI. For more programmer jokes visit New geeky comics every...
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Robots - Computer Joke

January 19, 2019 - Two robots meet. The first robot asks, "Are you ill?" The second robot replies, "No, just feeling a bit off." For more...
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Tom and Jerry - Programming Joke

January 18, 2019 - DOM and jQuery. For more programmer jokes visit New geeky comics every week! PS. We love our fe...
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Baby - Computer Joke

January 16, 2019 - We'd like to name him James. That names is already taken! Try James375 or James2099. For more programmer jokes visit co...
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EA Games - Programming Joke

January 15, 2019 - EA Programming Team For more programmer jokes visit New geeky comics every week! PS. We love ou...
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Chemistry - CSS Pun Joke

January 14, 2019 - .periodic {display: table} For more programmer jokes visit New geeky comics every week! PS. We...
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CEO of Browserling - Programming Joke

January 13, 2019 - The only person awake at 3am. For more programmer jokes visit New geeky comics every week! PS....
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International Olympiad in Informatics - Programming Joke

January 11, 2019 - How do programming champions start their programs?... int result[500000]; For more programmer jokes visit comic.browser...
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Devops Guy - Computer Joke

January 10, 2019 - What did the devops guy say?... Let's run Docker in Vagrant on EC2. Fifteen minute deploys are OK! For more programmer...
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Printer - Computer Joke

January 09, 2019 - What did the typographer say to the printer who wouldn't stop talking?... Get to the point! For more programmer jokes v...
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Pisa Tower CSS - Web developer Joke

January 08, 2019 - #pisa-tower {font-style: italic;} For more programmer jokes visit New geeky comics every week!...
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Rome - Programming Joke

January 04, 2019 - Two fonts meet in Rome. One asks, "Are you a Roman, too?" "No," the other responds, "but I'm an Italic!" For more progr...
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F5 - Programming Joke

January 01, 2019 - How do programmers order for refreshments?... They press F5! For more programmer jokes visit New...
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